#NotOkay – Women All Over The World Took To Twitter To Share Their Heart-wrenching Sexual Harassment Stories

Sexual Harassment is no joke – may it be men or women, sexual harassment leaves a person with multiple emotions jumbled up in their heads.

“Was it my fault?”

“I should’ve been strong.”

“What did I allow this to happen to me?”

“Will someone accept me after what happened to me?”

Thoughts like these and a million other keeps haunting the victim.  The worst part is, they don’t know who to confide in – they don’t know who will understand them – they don’t know when will all of this end.

A sexual harassment trend on Twitter started trending today and within minutes, it reached the top spot. Why? Because people from all around the world used this medium to express what they had kept in themselves for years.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s locked room conversation tape with his friends back in 2005 was leaked on the internet. It is on tape how Trump encouraged the act of sexual harassment as he had done that himself as well.

Following tweets will leave you heartbroken:

It All Started From Here

After the locker room tape of Trump was released on the internet, Kelly Oxford motivated women to share their sexual harassment stories.

It Prevails So Much Around the World


It Is Not A Joke – Please Stop Taking It Lightly

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It Takes Courage for Women To Speak About It

Our Religion Says The Same


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Just Too Much

It Is Not A Choice


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From one woman to another, it takes courage to talk about these aspects on a social platform. Mad respect and power to women all around the world.

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