1. They are present in all areas of Pakistan
2. Open & straightforward, these people say exactly what is in their heart
Even if you have brought a dress for 50 thousand, if it doesn’t suit you they are going to be vocal about it…
3. They name people according to their abilities
Eg: Masi Siyani(masi intelligent), Masi Korah(because she says bitter things), Chotu (because chotu literally is chotu for the rest of his life).
4. Cousin marriage is their thing
They have firm believe in arrange marriages. The best match for their kids is their khala ki beti or mamu ka beta
5. No matter how rich they are, they still believe in ‘mehmanism’
They feed them with tons of food & if they refuse it’s insulting not only to them but the entire khandan.
6. Getting married to a Saraiki girl is one of the hardest things ever
Getting married to a Saraiki girl will be the hardest deal of your life. Not only you need to ask her parents, grandparents,chacha, chachi,but also chachi ki sister ki phupo ka bare papa for her hand in marriage too. They are indeed one for all & all for one.
7. To convince a Saraiki woman is to jump on a moving train, she is never going to slow down to listen to what you say
8. No, not all of them have dark skin tone
Also See: 9 Things You Can Relate To if You Have A Chinyoti Friend