1. Some friends are never going to have time for you, get the hint and move on
Source: www.fashiontrends.pk
2. Some friends will always be there, you don’t have to message them everyday to ensure they’ll stay in your life.
3. Once you get in a relationship, your friendships are probably going to take the backseat if you don’t divide your time accordingly.
4. You are going to feel left out at some point in time
Source: blogs.tribune.com.pk
5. There’s going to be group of friends you’re always going to hang out with
Source: www.santabanta.com
6. You know which friends are not worth keeping when they get jealous if you succeed
Source: www.indiatvnews.com
7. There will be some people who will only be your friends when they need something from you.
Source: www.youtube.com
8. A lot of the time friendships break because you’re the one at fault. Not your friend.
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