7 Things West Can Learn From Pakistan

Regardless of it being labelled as the third world country there are a few things Pakistan can teach the first world countries.

1. The Art Of Giving


Pakistan is considered to be one of the most generous countries in the world. In the times of hardship the nation unites to support each other. The amount of money Pakistanis donate for greater cause is amazing!

2. Patience and Perseverance


The nation has been tested a number of times, yet Pakistanis… they never give up!

3. How To Survive With Minimum Resources


They say necessity is the mother of all inventions… they say it right! Even the inventions made by common Pakistanis are leaving the world stunned!

 4. Maximum Utilization Of Resources

Pakistanis don’t believe in throwing away anything!

5.  We Adapt

Being who we are, we always find a way to make ourselves fit in – be it within the country or abroad!

6. Language-Learning Skills

It’s not just our native language… Asians are known for being bilingual and also multilingual

7. Scientific Innovation

Many Pakistanis are outshining Westerners in the field of science. For instance, Dr. Naweed Syed is the first scientist who managed to “connect brain cells to a silicon chip”.


11028357_1056107757796657_646079657716118680_n Also See: HONY Did For Pakistan What No One Else Could Do!


parhlo_flag Also See: This Is Why Everyone In The World Hates Pakistan!

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