Working moms are probably among the guiltiest-feeling people on the planet. Well, we’ve got news for you. They shouldn’t feel guilty anymore as an international study by Harvard Business School has revealed there are long-term benefits for children whose mothers worked outside the home. It turns out there’s plenty of scientific evidence that working moms don’t harm kids one bit and can actually be beneficial. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the evidence below.
1. Your Child Will Love You Regardless
Even though working moms are away all day, numerous studies have shown that the bond between mom and child does not suffer.
2. Women Who Had Working Mums Complete More Years Of Formal Education
We all take from our parents a set of expectations about what it is we’re supposed to do, so when we see them working hard that’s what we want to do as well.
3. Kids of Working Moms Get Better Grades
Kids of working moms even had the edge in some ways, with fewer incidents of depression or anxiety and better grades.
4. Working Moms Are Happier (and happy moms make happy kids)
Numerous studies suggest that women who work their entire lives feel betterthan stay-at-home moms, who suffer far higher rates of depression.
5. Working Moms Have More Financial Control
The fact that they bring money into the house and aren’t entirely dependent on their spouse. Mothers who earn a full-time income often feel more confident in their right to make financial choices for their family.
6. Working Moms Are Great Role Models
I was delighted to come across a recent study showing that working moms boost their daughters’ self-confidence in their later careers.
7. Sons Of Working Mothers Spend More Time Looking After Their Kids
The study shows men whose mothers worked spent an additional hour each week caring for family members.
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