Behold, the season of flu, sore throat and wet eyes is upon us. Winters is also the season when our mothers become extra concerned about us. Well, mothers are usually super possessive (their love is the most real form of love present), but the winter season makes them more concerning than ever.
“Beta, saardi lag jaye gy” becomes the pet sentence of every mother and if we do not obey them, they will start emotionally blackmailing us by playing the mother card.
1. Dressing Us In Unlimited Amount of Clothing
*Wears one sweater* = invisible clothing.
*Wears two sweaters* = invisible clothing.
*Wears 3459565469845 sweaters* = PERFECT!!!
Because, “saardi lag jaye gi.”
2. “Aur Jao Bahr Toppi Pehne Baghair”
Even if you are not feeling well because you had a fight with bae or you just want to eat something you cannot buy, our mothers in winters think it is all because of going out with a nanga sarr, without wearing a warm toppi.
3. “Ghar Main Dhair Kinnow Hai. Woh Khao”
The answer to everything, every hunger and every problem is oranges. Literally. Kinnow becomes the national food of Pakistan during winters. I am not even kidding…
Oh, not to forget how important dry fruits are in winters and how your mother will tell you to “fill your pockets with these dry fruits” before you leave for university/office.
4. “Bahir Dhoop Main Betho”
Because mothers think we are wet socks that need an extensive amount of dhoop to dry off. Yes yes, I know how important dhoop is during winters, but our dear desi mothers make it the solution for everything…
5. “Yakhnee Peelo. Soup Peelo. Garam Doodh Peelo“
Because without these three essential winter liquids, we won’t get strong enough for anything.
6. “Mere Desi Totkay Sae Abhi Theek Hujaye Ga Sab”
There is no need to worry if you are out of medicines when our desi mothers all are Zubaida Aapas curing everything with their desi totkas.
7. “Tabiyat Kharab Hai? Abhi Theek Kar Deti Hu”
Last, but not the least, a line that doesn’t need any season because it will always remain the constant statement for our mothers. No matter how old we get, no matter how many kids we have and no matter where we are, this line shows how much our mothers really love us. And if you happen to get unwell and she is mad at you, her magical thapar is all that you need.
No matter what they say, no matter how angry they are at us and no matter how busy we all get, the presence of mothers in our lives is essential. We would be nothing without them, even if it is just during the season of winters.
May God bless our mothers with health and may He make us strong enough to look after them, just like they look after us.