6 Simple Steps To Make The Most Of Your Weekend


Since most of us don’t have a dream weekend life, I thought to write something to heal the wounded souls out there. So that we could stop wasting time *Sigh-ing* about our dull weekend instead we could make a better use of our leisure time. So, spare some precious moments of your life here, may be this could help out a little 🙂

Tip No. 01: Relax!!!

Yes… first of all you need to relax. Forget about all the pending office work you have to complete on Monday or other tasks you left for the weekend. Just slip in to your comfy pajamas, turn on the music and enjoy your own company.


Tip No. 2: Skype to a Friend

When you feel nostalgic and miss your long distance relations, Skype is your ultimate savior, and no other day is perfect than a leisurely weekend for those hours long meaningless chats.


Tip No. 3: Cook

As they say; “There’s no love sincerer than a love for food.” And if you’re a good eater there’s no chance that you don’t have a desire to cook all the food you adore so much. This weekend bring out your culinary skills and show the world the hidden chef in you. (*cough* pardon me)


Tip No. 4: Watch a Movie

This one is the old tried and tested formula. I think I don’t need to say much about it.


Tip No. 5: “There is no Friend as loyal as a Book.”

Indeed a good book is the most loyalist companion you have in your life. They never cease to make you believe that miracles may happen in real life and you are the one who can make it possible. A good read at weekend may keep you motivated for the whole week.


Tip No. 6: Say “NO” to Facebook

Highly recommended!!! This one is the ultimate key to your happiness. As soon as you stop scrolling down your timeline to see your mates having a blast at their week end, you will feel less miserable and concentrate on the things that will make you feel much better about yourself and your life.



“Just when you feel bad about not having all the luxuries that your pals have, there is someone somewhere on this earth may be struggling to make both ends meet and dreams to have a life like you.”

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