6 Insanely True Signs That You Are Addicted To Spicy Food

What is your existence if you’re a Pakistani who doesn’t love spicy food? Seriously. Food isn’t enough to satiate our appetites- we need food that’s a a tad bit extra spicy so our taste buds can register it. Here are things you’ll be able to relate to if you love spicy food just as much a s a quintessential Pakistani should.

1. You’re warned against the dire consequences of what might happen if you don’t stop eating spicy food

Source: fiercelynormal.livejournal.com

Source: fiercelynormal.livejournal.com

2. The Peri Peri sauce is your constant companion

Source: rebloggy.com

Source: rebloggy.com

3. People stare at you when you go wild over masala or achaar

Source: www.wearefine.com

Source: www.wearefine.com

4. You avoid places that don’t offer you the correct amount of spice

Source: smg.photobucket.com

Source: smg.photobucket.com

5. You FEAR hospitals

Source: crystal-reed-gifs.tumblr.com

Source: crystal-reed-gifs.tumblr.com

6. If your mom decides to cook healthy for a change

Source: victorious.wikia.com

Source: victorious.wikia.com

Thank you, God for this blessing. The world would be a bitter (or bland?) place without spicy food.

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