When it comes to addiction, we as Pakistanis try our best to stay away form the thing that can turn into an addiction, but every time we make such try we fail miserably, be it smoking, drugs or anything. One of the recent time addiction for people is WHATSAPP, this application has made people crazy about communicating via msgs using the ‘WHATSAPP’ application. Since, it is in our blood to make everything funny, our recent addiction has become sort of a joke now, here are somethings that happen on WHATSAPP in Pakistan, that are annoying yet hilarious.
1.DP disorder
Source: dailymail.co.uk
2.Har Dp par nazar
Source: Ilovepakistan.com
3.Secret Stalker
Source: dailymail.com.uk
4.’Last Seen’ gamezz
Source: Fanpop.com
5.WHATSAPP status changes more than life status
Source: Gazejet.com
6.Text message? whats that
Source: Lovepakistan.net
7.Phone has more value than anyone
Source: technogiri.com
8.’Blue tick’ and no reply can be a life threat
Source: Fanpop.com
9.Replying speed from the both sides has to be same
Source: Dailymail.co.uk
10.Phone is the only friend in the middle of the night
Source: Technogir.com
11.Never ending picture requests on Whatsapp
Source: fanpop.com
12.Invasion of Phone by the Whatsapp groups
Source: technogiri.com
13.Video folder becomes a No Go Area
Source: glamsham.com
14.Decision are based on keeping WHATSAPP in mind
Source: flamingcrew.co.ok
15.Communication turns into addiction
Source: FinancialExpress
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