With the English language’s vast vocabulary bank and our relatively little exposure to it, there are a million words that remain outside the sphere of our knowledge, and hence, unused. Here is a list of ten words, for starters, that we can use in everyday conversation to expand our vocabulary base. Not at the expense of sounding verbose (read: too burger), obviously, but for the purposes of not being repetitive.
`1. Rarefied
Exhaulted; exclusive.
2. Acerbic
Harsh; bitter.
Dull; generic
4. Saccharin
Substitute for sugar; fake
5. Valise
Traveling bag
6. Mastectomy
Surgical excision of breast.
7. Compatriot
person from the same country.
8. Ambrosia
food of Gods; thing delightful to taste or smell.
9. Valetudinarian
Person who is unduly anxious about his health
10. Denouement
Final resolution in a play or novel.
It’s all a play of words, guys.