10 Real Struggles Only A Short Guy Would Understand

1. You are scared to put up pictures of you and your taller sweetheart on social media sites for the fear of being ridiculed.


Source: www.mensfitness.com


2. You hated going to amusement parks as a child, and probably still do.


Source: bubbleblabber


3. People (re: girls) always assume that you have a short penis.


source: giphy.com


4. You’ve to stand on your tip toes when using public urinals or else you’d have to aim REALLY high.


source; giphy.com


5. Your friends always call you names. Dwarf, elf, minion, shorty or chotay. Nowadays, they even call you Tyrian Lannister, which is actually not so bad.


source: giphy.com


6. When standing in a group or a circle with your friends and having to crane your neck up at everyone.


Source: Telegraph


7. You always have to stand in the front when clicking group pictures because otherwise you’ll get lost.


Source:  Credit.com


8. You cannot risk gaining weight because even 2 kgs show.


source: giphy.com


9. You secretly hate your friends who’re tall.


source: giphy.com


10. Your friends have tried to pick you up and carry you at least once.

U.S. President Barack Obama holds on as he is hugged and picked up by Scott Van Duzer at Big Apple Pizza and Pasta Italian Restaurant in Fort Pierce, Florida, while campaigning across the state by bus, September 9, 2012. REUTERS/Larry Downing (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)

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