1. You are scared to put up pictures of you and your taller sweetheart on social media sites for the fear of being ridiculed.
Source: www.mensfitness.com
2. You hated going to amusement parks as a child, and probably still do.
Source: bubbleblabber
3. People (re: girls) always assume that you have a short penis.
source: giphy.com
4. You’ve to stand on your tip toes when using public urinals or else you’d have to aim REALLY high.
source; giphy.com
5. Your friends always call you names. Dwarf, elf, minion, shorty or chotay. Nowadays, they even call you Tyrian Lannister, which is actually not so bad.
source: giphy.com
6. When standing in a group or a circle with your friends and having to crane your neck up at everyone.
Source: Telegraph
7. You always have to stand in the front when clicking group pictures because otherwise you’ll get lost.
Source: Credit.com
8. You cannot risk gaining weight because even 2 kgs show.
source: giphy.com
9. You secretly hate your friends who’re tall.
source: giphy.com