9 Posters That Prove Humans Are Nothing But Hypocrites Today

Being born in a Pakistani family we can very well relate to the hypocrisy prevalent in the society, however we just don’t talk about it. Same is the case with India and as a matter of fact the entire subcontinent. ScrollDroll in association with The Logical Indian came up with these posters to highlight how hypocrite is the so-called modern, educated and intellectual society!

Hypocrisy (1)

Hypocrisy (2)

Hypocrisy (3)

Hypocrisy (4)

Hypocrisy (5)

Hypocrisy (6)

Hypocrisy (7)

Hypocrisy (8)

Hypocrisy (9)

So, next time before pointing fingers at others, think twice! 

pst102 Also See: 16 Things You Will Never Find Out Women Judge Men For

 Also See: 9 Daily Habits That Are Killing You Silently

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